Friday, February 11, 2011


I wish I could say I haven't written in a while because I haven't done anything and I have nothing to say. Truth is, there's always something to say, I've just been really lazy about saying it. 

Though I predicted January to be an unbearably slow month, it went by fairly quickly, and here we are, Feb 11th. At school, SWAV (a club whose initials stand for "Students Who Are Volunteering," I believe), is selling red hearts with chocolate bars attached for valentines day. Love is in the air and the kids just can't stop humming Duck Sauce's dance hit "Barbara Streisand," so I have that song stuck in my head all day at work.

The weather in January was pretty cold, but this week really felt like real spring. I felt myself reminiscing about good times on the main green and walking around on Benefit admiring the pretty New England architecture. The changing seasons are what give me the most keen sense of missing home here - in the winter I missed real cold and snow and christmas food, now I miss the buzz of coming spring and the smell of cherry blossoms. I miss Brown. 

Anyways. Here's what's up since we last talked:

1) Julia and I went to Lake Vouliagmeni, (Βουλιαγμένη meaning "sunken,"), a thermal lake about 20 km south of Athens. "Thermal" meaning it retains a constant temperature of 24 degrees celsius year round. It was pretty warm considering the January air outside, and I stayed in for a half hour. The lake is fed by underground currents seeping through Mount Hymettus, and is reported to have many healing properties, due to the high mineral levels in the water. It was once in a large cavern, but during an earthquake in the middle ages, the roof collapsed, leaving the lake open to the sky. Apparently, some American scuba divers disappeared there in the late sixties.

Lake Vouliagmeni

Julia was taken by the strays

2) I recently visited the acropolis for the first time (shame on me!). It's pretty magical up there.
Odeon of Herodes Atticus (Roman)

I feel a bit silly for not having been before now, but I guess that's how it works with cities you live in. "The Acropolis isn't going anywhere," I told myself, and thus I felt no pressure to get off my ass and go see it. Well, I'm glad I finally did.

View on the way up

3) Language: Im getting a bit better, but Im also feeling a bit lazy because everyone speaks English. I've made leaps and bounds since I got here in September, but listening to people speak still feels like listening to words in a dream. Its all very slow and I can only make out single words here and there. By the time my mind registers what they've said, they've usually already registered the look of confusion on my face and said it for me in English. Once that happens, I link the English words to the Greek ones they just said, and I want to say, "Oh, I understand." But even that comes late - my mind takes a while to scramble together how to say anything.

3 ) I was supposed to go to Cairo two weekends ago, but then Egypt had to go have a revolution, so I didn't. My friend from Cairo actually ended up coming to stay with ME for a while, after being evacuated by the state department. Looks like it finally worked out, though! I wonder how long it'll take for Cairo to be safe to visit again. I certainly hope that all my Grade Five efforts at learning heiroglyphics and memorizing the names of all the Egyptian Gods (Anubis rules!) wasn't all for nought.

Slender Ancient Ladies

4) I have basically stopped exercising. My diet consists primarily of Tiropita (cheese pie), specifically the "Kouru" type.

5) Meg persuaded me to conduct interviews for Brown in the Athens region. I think it's pretty funny that I'm doing this, since it's something my Dad does. I feel a bit like since I just graduated, I shouldn't be allowed to - what do I know about the selection process? Anyways, I actually quite enjoy it - I interviewed two kids this week and really enjoyed talking to them both. The girl I interviewed (over the phone, sadly) just so happened to be the 2009 Eurovision Candidate from Cyprus. I'm a bit starstruck.

6) Meg's boyfriend, Giorgos, and I have started a band. Last night we had our first practise. We're hoping to play live somewhere at some point this spring. I'll keep you posted.

7) I sold a painting. Shameless self promotion here: If you're reading this blog, you may as well check out my OTHER website:

More to come soon.

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